Have you ever fallen in love with someone who makes you smile without doing anything? When she looks at you, every problem just vanishes away? I know how it feels, I feel the same way when I look at her. It’s so difficult to look at someone you love, fighting alone.
She fears from herself. Whenever I try to take her tears away, it’s always me who has to leave. I can’t blame her, its not her who is pushing me away, it’s the one who tells her to not to trust me. But look at her, my girl stays with me, she smiles with me, she is trying only for me.
I don’t care whoever tries to keep us apart, because I'm won't let her go. I love her and I always will even after death.’
It was difficult for Trisha to accept that the one she trusted the most in past years, is not her friend, in fact, that person is her enemy, that person is no one but just her hallucination, a person she created out of her fantasies.
Tish made Trisha to maintain a distance from Rahul. But somewhere deep inside, she knew what Tish told her about Rahul was just a lie, but she was also aware that these lies are made by Tish to protect herself from leaving Trisha.
In the battleground, the war wasn’t between love and protection, the war was between need and want. The need of being loved and the want to keep even the dark part of soul alive. The war wasn’t between Rahul and Tish, it was between Trisha and Trisha herself. No matter what she’ll win she will lose the other. And that was the fact no one could deny.
“I don’t know why you hate him. He loves me and I need him.”
“No Trisha, you can’t have him. It’s simple as that, he doesn’t love you. I know that.”
“Please, give me one chance to prove our love.”
“I told you it’s not happening. Are you a retard? Why can’t you understand a simple thing?”
Filled with aggression Trisha was unable to control herself. The part of her that once made her help Rahul, was now asking her to leave him. The part of Trisha that once used to tell her about how good Rahul is, was now telling her that she shouldn't trust him.
“I love him and I just want to live with him. I know he loves me I know he do and I know I love him too. We’ll go away from you forever Tish, we’ll get married and you know what? He is right, he… he is right. You aren’t good, you are trying to make me weak.
Why Tish? I trusted you the most, when dad left me you were the only one I had by my side. First, you made me leave my mother and now, you are trying to keep me away from Rahul too? You know what? No, I won’t let Rahul go. I love him Tish, I love him. And if, to be with him I have to make you go, I will make you go.”
Why Tish? I trusted you the most, when dad left me you were the only one I had by my side. First, you made me leave my mother and now, you are trying to keep me away from Rahul too? You know what? No, I won’t let Rahul go. I love him Tish, I love him. And if, to be with him I have to make you go, I will make you go.”
Rahul rushed into Trisha’s room when he heard the sound of a glass shattering. He examined the mirror and concluded that his Trisha was finally back.
“Hey babe, what happened? Why are you crying?” Rahul asked wiping Trisha’s tears.
“I want her to go. I need her to go, she won’t let me live with you Rahul, she won’t. And I love you, I can’t let you go. Please, please don’t ever leave me. Please.”
“Hey, shush!! I’m not leaving you. I won’t ever leave you I love you, stupid. And you know that, you know that I can’t live without you right? You do nah?”
Trisha nodded.
“Then trust me. I won’t let Tish or in fact anyone, to tear us apart. I am not gonna let you go, never. Because I need you more than you need me. I need you to breathe, to live and to smile. If you’ll go, Whom will I live for? Whom will I try to make smile every morning? Who will cry in front of me like this? Who will try to break my neck by hugging me this tight? And who will blush like this on my stupid jokes? You know what? I just wanna have a good life with you.
In fact, I want you to tell me about your perfect life. I mean, you know how girls say that they always have a wedding fantasy or dreams about their love life and stuff. You tell me about your dreams. I want to do everything for you.”
In fact, I want you to tell me about your perfect life. I mean, you know how girls say that they always have a wedding fantasy or dreams about their love life and stuff. You tell me about your dreams. I want to do everything for you.”
Rahul hugged Trisha from behind and finally, Trisha smiled. In his arms, Trisha used to feel warm, protected and most of all, loved.
“I wanna show you off.”
“Show me off? To whom? Oh my god! My girlfriend wants me to walk on the streets naked.”
“Haha… no stupid. I wanna show off in front of everyone about how much you love me. I am sick of keeping us a secret. I want to kiss you in front of everyone and I want to see them being jealous. I want every person to know how much I love you and how much you love me too. About how perfect we are together. I just want people to know that you are mine. That my boyfriend is the best.” Trisha said looking into Rahul’s eyes.
“Wow. I don’t know why, but whatever you said turned me on. By the way, about the kiss, it should be passionate right?”
“Haha… All you took from that is kiss? My stupid boyfriend.” Trisha said slowly slapping Rahul’s cheek.
“Arey, but what I meant was that I love you so much, a simple kiss can’t describe that love in front of others nah? We have to have a passionate kiss, only then will people understand about how passionate we are for each other.”
“And it should be sexy too, because we are too sexy together, right?” Trisha said teasing.
“Oh yeah! Sexy!” Rahul said dreaming.
Somewhere within the moment, Rahul finally gained his confidence back, he thought Trisha was finally free from Tish. But was it so easy? Was it so easy for Trisha to let go of the one she was the most dependable on, so easily? Was it so easy for Tish to be 'just a memory' in Trisha’s perfect life?
A week later, Dr. Mukherjee forwarded a good news to Rahul, “She is fighting and she is winning Rahul. Congratulations, your love pill is working.”
Rahul took a sigh of relief. Everything was going right, everything was perfect. All the mist was gone and the future was clear.
Rahul walked towards the kitchen and wrapped his arm around Trisha who was cooking near the counter.
Rahul walked towards the kitchen and wrapped his arm around Trisha who was cooking near the counter.
“Oho! Romantic hah? Let me cook first, then we can do some romance.”
“Shush!” Rahul turned Trisha against him and placed his finger on her lips, signaling her to not to talk. “Marry me.”
Trisha stood straight in shock, not speaking even a single word.
“Please marry me.” Rahul begged joining his hands.
“Um… Are you serious?” Trisha asked completely expressionless.
“I’m dead serious. Just… just leave this cooking and all and marry me. I want to marry you right now.” Rahul said taking the wooden spatula away from Trisha’s hand.
“Right now?”
“I mean not now but I don’t know... but will you just... please just marry me.”
“What yes?” Rahul mumbled. “Oh, yes? Yes? You’ll marry me?”
Trisha hugged Rahul and he lifted her up, she sat on the white marble counter, leaning towards Rahul who was sitting on his knees.
“I’m all yours now. From now on, I’m your minion and I’ll do whatever you’ll say.”
Trisha giggled and said, “Ok my minion. I want you to…” Trisha bit her lower lip trying to intimidate Rahul.
“You want me to?”
"I want you to kiss me. Right here, right now, super sexy.”
And as the two kissed, the food burned and with it, burned their fears, their insecurities. The view of a happy ending and a merry life, seemed too close.
The story is not over yet. Some important pages are still unturned.
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