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Why are you single? - Meet and Greet info.

It has been a long time since I have answered your questions, so firstly, I just want to say that I am extremely sorry for being unable to do so. But today, in fact only few minutes ago I got a question from a reader named Nishant. The question did intrigued me to answer, well... not because it was something really interesting but because it was something that I have been asked so many times before too. So, I decided I should answer this now (Also, I am answering because of the super sweet things that Nishant said.)

Why am I single?

Age? Nah! Bad breakup? Not really... something else? Yes, a lot of things. 
WARNING: Everything that I will say now, may sound rubbish and fake to the hater group here. But I really don't want to lie to my readers. Sorry!
I am more of a romantic heart, Nishant. My life doesn't really go in and around relationships, all that matters to me is that one permanent thing. I have always been the kind of a person who had dreams of having a fairy tale kind of a love story. Though, my idea of a fairy tale has really changed after a lot of mishappenings in life I kind of does think that it's for my best.
You know life is really like this webpage of information with a lot of clickbaits. If you'll lose your concentration and get lured by one of them, you'll lose it all and then, one clickbait will lead to another and then another and that's when you will forget that you actually was looking for love and not temporary affection.
The main reason behind me being single, is basically the fact that I am just unable to find the right guy. I am the kind of a person that's not really suitable for relationships because sadly I have never met a guy who is interested in something serious. Now, I don't mean such guys don't exist, but I have never encountered or is pursued by one. UNLUCKY! 
But I guess some day it will all work out and that someday I might find the guy who will guess my words and my choices before I say them. Let's hope I'll soon find my someone with the same crazy kiddish love choices that I have. I may write better love stories then. There's no hurry but yes, the doors are always open, feel free to try 😛.  
And about meet and greet? Umm... I don't know as of now. Let's let the community grow more and then we'll definitely do a meet and greet. I am really looking forward to meet you guys and hear about your life stories and experiences. I hope that will happen soon. And please don't call yourself fans it makes me feel as if I am some boss and you guys are employees, no, we are all friends. Let's just fix this up, how about we replace Fans with Bucketeers, that even sounds cool.
Do let me know what you think about it. And yes, you can send me your questions here.

Till next time, I love you my bucketeers. Thank you for loving me this much. 💜
Forever in debt!