Look at her, all she wants to dream about is that one true love's kiss. And oh this crazy girl, she is fantasizing joker? Is she crazy?
“Snap out of it pretty lady.”
“What? What are you… what are you doing here? I was here with Mistah… Where’d he go?”
“Mr. J hah? You got a crush on joker now? I mean I know you’ve been watching suicide squad and batman series a lot nowadays but hey! He is the Joker, a psychopath. Come on.”
“But Jared Leto was looking sexy as the Joker and you know… wait a second, why are we even discussing all this?” Riva sits on the floor asking me to join. Which of course I will since I’ve made such a long journey to be with her.
“How about we change the surrounding a little, I mean I’m not much of a fan of sitting on the floor in this shabby ‘filled with joker stuff’ room. How about this?” I know she love the voice of flowing water.’
“Perfect. You always know what I want. But wait…” The moon is up and the sun has taken the leave, I don’t know how she manages all this but every time she creates our space, everything looks so beautiful. There is a moon half covered by clouds, water running down from the mountains is sparkling by moonlight, though the stars seems a little funny it’s like someone has just shrugged his paint brush in that dark canvas, some dots are big some are small and some are just too close. But imperfections are what makes something unique.
“Candles?” She points her finger towards the empty space behind the waterfall. I know there are going to be a whole lot of candles here now. 2 seconds are gone and here we are, sitting by a small river on these pebbles which are soft because well... comfort matters, surrounded by some 2 or 3 dozens of candles.
“What is your obsession with candles?” I mean seriously, every time she have control, there has to be candles.
“Everybody loves something you know.” At times I really wonder how difficult she is, I watch her whole day I know whatever she likes whatever she thinks but, she still isn’t always predictable.
“You wanna tell me something, don’t you?”
“When you can know what I am thinking, you obviously also know what I want to say.”
“You don’t share to tell someone about your situation, you share with someone to share your pain. Words exist to set you free.”
“They say I am a mess. I think I am.” And every time she say that there’s something in her eye, it’s always a tear that’s trying to hide.
“You know that I know you are crying, right?. They call you a mess because they don’t know who you are. And being honest, you are kind of a mess.”
And boom! I just said something I shouldn’t have. Damn you mouth!
“I know I am, Fate. I should clean my system.” See, how mature she is? Always full of surprises. Afterall, she has said something so intelligent and mature but that’s where you got her wrong. She will pretend that she believes she can easily manage everything, on the outside but inside, she is scared and confused about how she will do it but she doesn’t want you to know that, why? Because she can’t let you think that she is broken, if she will let you think that, she know she will break.
Complicated much? Trust me it really is and I have to deal with it every single day. Some days, I just pretend that I believe what her mouth is saying because her heart and brain keeps complicating it over and over again.
“You need a hug?”
“I don’t know why but everytime I touch you, it just feels so weird. I mean it feels special but this special is so weird.” Riva’s arms are around me, her head on my shoulders, I feel the same weird too. But I just don’t know what it is. I’ve tried to find it out so many times but there’s no answer.
“I like this weird too. I feel I can listen your thoughts clearly and I feel closer to you.” What did I just said? Oh father! My mouth just don’t wanna shut up.
“Haha, that was… umh… thoughtful.” Well at least my stupid mouth made her smile. Her skin is so warm and tender at times.
And ok, now easy up you people I’m not in love with her or anything just in case the idea pops up in your mind, I don’t love her and also, I can’t do it too. I can’t break the rules. Now I know you must be thinking ‘Rules? What rules?’ So, let me ease things up for you.
2 years ago, one fine day, it was 6 in the evening I think, when my father told me that I have passed all my tests and that now I was ready with my powers. I was jubilant at that moment, drenched with pride, after all, I was one of the very few who has ever passed all the tests at one go.
I thought I was prepared enough, I thought it was time that I take the real test, using my abilities on humans. So, I started peeping into every single person's mind one at a time. I looked through their life thoroughly, every single up and down they faced in their life, some of their memories made me sad and some brought with them a smile.
Regardless of who that person was, whether an old woman, a kid or an animal, I just peeped into the brain of whoever that crossed paths with me that day, evening to be exact.
I thought I was prepared enough, I thought it was time that I take the real test, using my abilities on humans. So, I started peeping into every single person's mind one at a time. I looked through their life thoroughly, every single up and down they faced in their life, some of their memories made me sad and some brought with them a smile.
Regardless of who that person was, whether an old woman, a kid or an animal, I just peeped into the brain of whoever that crossed paths with me that day, evening to be exact.
And if I’ll add a fancy storyline I can just tell you that she was miles away and I just smelled her scent and was drawn towards her, but no, I won't lie because in reality, nothing like that ever happened. It was something else, something that was definitely 'not different' but was completely ordinary.
a bucket full of life
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