“What do you want?” Riva is looking straight into my eyes as I wait for her to answer.“What do you mean? Faith.”
“What are your dreams? Regarding the one you will love, you will end up with? What will your fairytale be like?”
“I don’t know how my fairytale will be like but there’s one thing that I know. When he’ll touch me, I will know he is the one.” There was something more to it I know, her eyes are twinkling.
Her cheeks are red there’s an awkward smile, I know there’s something I haven’t read “You are hiding something.”
“Like you haven’t read my mind till now?”
“I haven’t. Because I want you to tell me about it. How will you know?” My curiosity, right now, is on a height from where I can see everything except for what I really want to know because to be honest, I don’t want to know it by myself, I want to listen it from her.
“Once I had a dream.” She answers in her dreamy voice, a slight curve on her lips, tucking her hairs behind her ear. She is blushing.
“What dream?”
“I don’t exactly remember it but I remember the feeling. It just felt special. There was a guy, him and I were somewhere I don’t exactly know where but when he hugged me, there was a sensation in every tendon and ligament of my body. I just knew that that feeling was exactly what I’ll feel when I’ll meet my Prince Charming. As soon as he hugged me that feeling made me wake up with a smile and a feeling I’ve never felt in my life except for then. It was the best dream I’ve ever had.”
There’s a feeling inside me which I am unable to understand. My heart is pounding faster and faster, I can't understand anything. How is it even possible? This can’t happen, this shouldn’t happen.
She was standing near a bookseller, looking at each and every book, confused about which one should she pick. Out of nowhere, the idea of helping her popped inside my head. I looked inside her and realized that she was going through a crisis, there were multiple pictures playing in her mind, a boy, her family, another boy, her friends, her school. I knew she needed help and helping her wasn’t really difficult because she was all by her own 80% done.
I was about to turn 19 the very next month and I knew I will be needing to choose someone, someone I could fix and she was easy. So before thinking about anything else, I chose her.
“I’ll take this.”
She took ‘Life is what you make it’. At that time, I was unaware what mistake I did but that day wasn’t far when I cursed myself for doing it. But now when I look at it, I don’t really regret my decision because in a way I have learnt that she is right when she say ‘Everything happens for a reason’ it really does, it made me meet her. My one bad decision made her stronger and me, wiser.
What happened after she read the book was exactly what I expected and thought will make her fine but it didn't and soon, I realized how fatal the situation had become. After reading the book, she found out about her condition, she was suffering through a mental disorder, as soon as she found out about that her hope to make everything right to fight with everything was sunk and she just, she just wasn’t right. I chose her because I thought she was an easy case which she was, until I made her situation difficult and not just for me but for her too.
She used to cry in a corner, had no friend she was just alone and weak. At times, I used to look into her head to see if she was recovering but it was so horrifying that at times I used to break down on my own, curse myself for doing that to her.
There were so many times when I used to sit in another corner crying, seeing her tears, realizing that it all was my fault. And I knew she had an idea that someone was there that I was there. I couldn’t leave her, it was my mistake and soon I realized she needed to feel my existence, for as it was me in whom she found her comfort. There were times when she used to extend her arm to check if someone really was sitting beside her, I had to be careful but she could still feel my existence and I was glad she did.
I used to sit in her room watching her sleep and whenever I used to doze off beside her, her tears and the voice of her screeches were the ones to wake me up.
So, I decided to stay with her in her dreams. It was extremely complex, it’s not easy to just walk into someone’s dream, you have to feel connected with the person, it’s a process even some of the wisest ones have failed in, but to correct my mistake I had to try.
I failed once, twice, thrice, hundreds of times till that one day when I had no option.
She woke up screaming her eyes were filled with tears, she was shivering. And she called, she called me. “I know there’s someone. Someone watching me.”
At first, I thought she was scared but she wasn’t, she told me everything. How her personal life and her school life was troubling her, how she feel weak because she trusted people, how her friends turned her down and used her, how the one she loved never understood her feelings and played with her. I felt helpless and so I tried one more time and it worked out.
Time kept running and she was fixed, I made her realize her worth and that’s all I did. Whatever that happened next, was all done by her. She fought with her circumstances and learned everything from every experience, she taught me so much.
Because of her, I too started believing that I was worthy of being given a responsibility that I was worthy of being trusted with someone’s life.
Ever since that day, she became someone so special that no one could ever be. Because it was her with whom I learnt one of the greatest lesson my life has ever taught me, “It takes nothing to shatter something but everything to fix it”.
She once said to me “A glass when breaks can still show you your image but can the shattered piece show what the real glass can? No, because what’s broken on its own can’t obviously make you look good, because it’s not good itself, it’s broken. It will show everything in pieces too.”
a bucket full of life
best sellers
love story
magical stories
Megha Sharma
Preeti Shenoy