We meets a lot of people, falls in love a lot, breaks up a lot. But there's always this one person, whom we can never forget, but, there's also this another person, we always regret leaving. Its that one person we once loved, the person who loved us, the one we left because in the realist world, we never really noticed their love.
Somewhere, we all owes an apology to them, somehow, its just really necessary.
Dearest Ex,
You probably acts like you have moved on, but I know you haven't. I know you still talks to me to show me that you are happy, so you can hurt me.
But what really hurts me, is you acting like you are happy.
I apologise for whatever I did, I apologise for hurting you and leaving you, saying that you aren't right. The reality was, I wasn't right for you.
I judged you on my stupid checklist, I compared you according to the guy I had a crush, and in the whole process, I never really noticed how I was crushing you. I was selfish and stupid to do that. I don't ask you to forgive me, coz I know I wouldn't have forgiven you if you would've done the same, or may be I have. But that's not the case, the case is, I'm sorry.
I kept hurting you, demanding you to change and you did everything for me.
I'm sorry I left you. And I also know that this sorry will do nothing. But when I took the decision to leave you, it wasn't for me, it was for you.
I knew how I was, I was always afraid of hurting you and for that, I thought its better for you to not be with me. And I hate that I will regret it because you still haven't moved on. I will regret it forever.
I'm sorry.