DISCLAIMER: My intentions are not to harm anyone’s beliefs or any religion. I just want to propose a theory which I think will be inspiring for everyone. Please read only, if your state of mind is flexible enough, to accept a new idea, or at least giving a new idea a chance.
The question came to my mind, when I was trying to find the answer of the question, “Who is a writer?” Someone who creates a life by his/her words.
“Creates a life”, but how can a human create a life?
I thought a lot, and came up with a theory, based on facts, we always utter. The theory may sound a little atheist first, but I’m sure you’ll accept it in the end. I myself am a believer of God, I believe in God not Gods.
I am a believer of the power that created the universe, not the one we humans have created.
But what do you think God is? Religion, Power, Divine, Immortal, the answers are evident.
But have you ever thought, maybe God was a human too? Or maybe he was “like a human”?
I know my theory is disturbing but it’s actually logical.
What I feel, is that God was a man who was excellent in almost everything, he was a scientist, he was a painter, a writer, a creator and a thinker.
Like a thinker, he thought about the possibility of having someone like humans and animals, and most of all, nature.
Like a painter, he created our picture. Like a writer, he wrote our basic characters. And finally, like a creator, he created us, our bodies, our mind, our soul.
He was a good man, so he made us all good from inside, but to make us aware of that goodness, he injected a little bit of bitterness, so we will do bad and learn, what should not be done.
God was honest and so, his honesty lies within all of us. So basically, we are all, just extracts of him. We are pieces of the one who created us. And if we are his pieces, can’t we be like him? Of course we can be.
And that’s what we are always taught, “We all have God inside of our hearts, if our heart is good and pure, God lives in it.”
I accept the fact that we can’t exactly be God, we as one is basically no one to create the whole universe by ourselves, but we can be like God. Just the way, a child can be like his parent, mind it, I used "like".
Who was God? He was the one who was good, can’t we be good?
Inside of us, lies the capability to be our own God, to be a God to someone who needs our help so he can become a God to himself.
So why are we not becoming God? Because we are praying to God to make us like him which he already has. Why do you think God has created brain, if he is going to be the one to use it for us? Why has he created a heart, if he has to pump our blood? He can't feed you food, he has provided you hands.
God has given us everything, so we can write our own destiny, choose our own destination.
If God himself has to choose our actions, why will he ever do bad to his one child, to do good for another? Why would he ever let us to feel the pain, when ultimately our learning lesson has zero value, as we don't have to implement what we've learnt because God is controlling us, and we are just bodies?
It’s our work to implement his characteristics in a way, so we do good for ourselves and for others too. He's provided us everything so we become capable on our own. So we can become our own God.
A God, that worships the ultimate creator, who believes in him, who thanks him for this life, who makes his own destiny and luck, not begs The Creator to make it worth living.
Think about it.
be your god
bhagwat gita