Read Chapter 1.
Read Chapter 2.
And then he was gone. I never saw him again.
*2 months ago*
I know her from 2 long years. And now, every single time I look back there’s always a smile on my face. I’ve seen the most natural un-edited side of her. I’ve seen her before make up and after it too. I’ve seen her crying, seen her smiling, picking herself up and I’ve seen her putting a fake smiling for others. I’ve seen her growing from a naïve teenager to a beautiful, innocent yet mature adult. It feel so unfortunate that I was forbidden to love her, I knew this from the very beginning but still I fell for her. I don’t know when, maybe when she smile in her sleep or when she look at me and tell me how happy she feel having me by her side, without saying even a single word.
I thought this situation will never occur but maybe this was meant to happen, it was all so clouded I couldn’t see anything but when she said “he hugged me and I knew that that feeling was exactly what I’ll feel when I’ll meet my Prince Charming.” she blew all the clouds away. It was the best dream that I have ever had too.
Her words kept playing in my mind on loop, I was happy that she was the one but how could she be my one? I am an angel and she, a human.
I know I have to leave but I don’t know what Riva will do without me, what I will do without her. There hasn’t been a single night when I have slept without seeing her face, without talking to her in our dreams. But I have to, I have to go. I just need to see her once and then, I’ll leave forever.
“Hi Riva.”
“Faith. You seem low. What happened?”
“Just had an odd day.”
“Umhm… I’m listening.”
“I’ve brought something for you.”
“For me? What is it?”
I wanted to give her something special, after all she was someone very special to me.
“Woah! This is beautiful. What stone is it? It’s… it’s beautiful.”
“Minnesten. Memory Stone. It stores memories. Every single memory that you have that you remember or even those that you don’t. Just like me, it knows everything about you.”
“Yes. I am giving this to you so that if some day you will feel weak, you can recall whatever you have achieved so far and realize that if you are feeling weak, doesn’t mean you really are weak. Because I know you are strong and brave and you can fight with anything.”
“Why would I need that? I have you and I know you can’t stop reminding me that haha.”
Her smile made it more difficult for me, it made me weak and I couldn’t afford it.
“I don’t know what will happen in future but as of now, I know we are going to dance. So Ms. Pretty face, can I have this dance?”
“I can’t dance.”
“Neither can I. But we can try.”
And then when she gave me her hand, the warmth of her skin, the touch of her fingers on my palm made me feel the pain of leaving her, made me realize that I can't ever touch her again. So I let go of myself, I decided to let go of my fear, the fear of losing her. I just wanted to enjoy those last moments with her, enjoy my last dance with her.
I pulled her closer and we danced, 1s... 2s.. and 3s… didn’t mattered, all that mattered was how much we wanted to be in each other’s arms or maybe it was just me maybe I was the only one who wanted to have her in my arms forever but in the end it all worked out. She was with me and everything felt so perfect.
She was so close but I let her go, she circled around and then, before I could grasp her hand again, it slipped and she woke up. The dream was over and so was my last night with her.
She was so close but I let her go, she circled around and then, before I could grasp her hand again, it slipped and she woke up. The dream was over and so was my last night with her.
“He was a friend, I shared everything with him. It was odd how I used to always remember him from my dream every single time I woke up. It was odd. The last dream I had of him was the one when we danced.”
“Yeah, we danced. But then my hand slipped from his and then he was gone. I never saw him again.”
“So you never got a chance to complete your dance?”
“Would you like to?”
“Of course.”
I don’t understand why but every time I think about him it all feels so real. Every touch, every smile, every word. It has been 3 months and I have learned living without him. Actually, I have just realized that I never had him, he was just someone I made out of my sorrow to show me a path. And now when I have found myself, he is gone. This concept seems so simple but I don’t know why I can’t accept it. It’s like some stupid part of me keeps telling me that it was real that he is real and I know he is not. I know it all but the hope never dies. Maybe the reason behind these voices was my expectations, I expected too much out of my dreams. I was stupid, somehow, I still am.
“May I?”
“Yes please.”
Coming to this stupid Christian wedding where people are dancing ballroom or whatever these dance styles are exactly called was my dumbest decision ever. I was already bored enough to tell my ‘dreamy tales’ to a stranger, who without any doubts is very charming, but also, now I am dancing with him between all these people who can actually dance while I could hardly match a step. Well at least now I know my dreams were actually just dreams because there, I could dance.
“I’m Daniel. Didn't get the chance to introduce myself earlier.”
“Riva. Nice to meet you.”
“Me too. So I am guessing by your shyness that you can’t really dance.”
“Haha. Shyness? You mean my inability to dance? Well… technically I can dance but in my dreams only.”
“Haha. Remind me to teach you next or next to next time when we’ll meet.”
“Umhmm… and how are you so sure that we will meet again? Are you planning on asking me out?"
“I guess... if I am, will you say yes?”
“I guess.”
“I guess.”
“Then I’ll see you outside in 10 minutes. I guess.”
As soon as I could finish, like a wheel I was spinning on the floor till someone held my hand. My vision is blurred thanks to the vertigo I got after circling around so much. But even in this blurred vision I still am trying to find Daniel, but am I getting any success? Of course not because I know he is outside. But wait, I am dancing. My right-his left, his left-my right.
“She remembers.” I hear the guy saying,.
“It’s you.”
Was this dance a beginning of a new chapter in Riva's life? But who was this guy? Was it someone special or was it Daniel himself?
a bucket full of life
criminal thrillers
fan fictions
how to
Megha Sharma
split personality
story books